Need to send out a message to your members and supporters to solicit volunteers? It’s important you word it properly and effectively to give you the greatest chance of getting volunteers.

Your email should accomplish the following:

  • Clearly communicate your organization’s values
  • Provide examples of unique experiences and benefits volunteers receive with your organization
  • Provide a link to a place online where you have specific volunteer opportunities in various time increments
  • Provide contact information for people to connect with you with any questions they have

Here’s an example of a template you could tweak for your own purposes to use as a volunteer solicitation email.


Dear Supporter,

At ORGANIZATION NAME, we believe we have the ability to make a difference in our community if we work alongside and in partnership with you! Therefore we’d like to invite you to volunteer with our organization to advance our mission to [INSERT MISSION].

By volunteering with our organization you will have the opportunity to:

  • Opportunity 1
  • Opportunity 2
  • Opportunity 3 

Volunteering with our organization is easy! To explore time-flexible volunteer opportunities, visit our website at WEBSITE. If you identify a role or event you’d be interested in, or if you don’t see anything but would still like to discuss how you can help our organization by donating your time, please reach out to NAME, TITLE at PHONE NUMBER or by email at EMAIL ADDRESS.

