What Is Your Nation?
Alumni Nations helps you to find your alumni and create sustainable engagement that meets your strategies, from friendraising to fundraising. Built around past students, parents, and enthusiastic members of the community, a "Nation" is simply your network of supporters engaging at its strongest potential.
Why Do It?
Your school’s story lives in your alumni. We help you to connect with past students and community members to show them how that story lives on today and how they can still be a part of it. Alumni Nations helps schools connect with their graduates and the community in powerful ways long after graduation. Building these sustainable connections utilizes your presence in the community to make a better future for education.
How Do We Help?
We find, connect and enroll an active community by identifying and engaging supporters through communications, events, and activities that leverage the power of a sustainable and functional Alumni Nation database. By crafting a plan that is unique to your Nation, you can immediately start reaching the people in your community. From the online world to right at home in your community, we create a branded presence that identifies and provides additional support through volunteers, mentors, and revenue, with the potential to expand into annual and major campaigns.
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