Summer is a great time to take care of some organizational housekeeping, which can include reviewing, fixing and updating your website. A great place to start is reviewing if your landing page is properly supporting your mission and providing your visitors with information they need about the organization.
There are several key questions your landing page should answer:
- What is it that you’re selling? You may not be a business in the traditional sense, but you’re still selling something, including opportunities to stay in touch with your alma mater and fellow alumni.
- How does your organization enhance the lives of its members?
- What is your organization’s mission?
Your visitors should be able to discern the answers to these questions very quickly upon navigating to your website. A simple statement or sentence and the photos you choose to decorate your landing page should give a very clear message of what your organization stands for and how it supports your alma mater.
Make sure also to check all links and features on your landing page to ensure they work as desired. Broken links should be fixed immediately, and features that are outdated should be either updated or eliminated.
These simple checks and questions can go a long way toward creating a high-quality landing page that informs and activates your audience.
Alumni Nations provides excellent templates for your alumni website that ensure these questions are always answered- contact us today to learn more!
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